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What are FSA and HSA Accounts

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are programs that make it easy for you to receive significant tax benefits when you pay for qualified out-of-pocket medical expenses.

You can use a pre-loaded debit card or get reimbursed from an FSA or HSA account after you make your purchase or a combination of both methods.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. That's why it's important to determine which is right for you if you have the choice.

For example, with an FSA you have instant access to the funds. You decide how much you want to put aside (within the maximum permitted) and your employer funds the account upfront for you. You pay your employer back in installments through set payroll deductions. This avoids having to come up with a large sum of money all at once.

You may have heard of the "Use It Or Lose It" rule. Fortunately the IRS modified it at the end of 2019. Now your employer has the option to permit you to roll over up to $500 of your FSA funds (with some restrictions). Check with your plan administrator.

An HSA is more clear-cut. You may roll over all of your savings with no restrictions. But unlike an FSA, your employer does not fund your account upfront. Your funds become available as you add them. Your employer has the option to contribute to your HSA just like they can with an FSA.

We're A 90% Merchant!

The majority of MintRx prescriptions, including our custom-made medications, and certain over-the-counter items, at-home lab tests and acne treatments are eligible for purchase using your FSA and HSA savings account. In fact, we're an approved and registered 90% merchant. This means that 90% or more of our revenue is generated from the sale of FSA/HSA-qualified items. To help you identify these products, we've marked them with a badge.

Just remember that all FSA- and HSA-authorized products must be purchased separately from non-eligible items.

If you have any questions, contact us at.

Comparison between FSA and HSA

Debit card
FSA: Yes
HSA: Yes
Can pay with own funds and/or submit receipts for reimbursement
FSA: Yes
HSA: Yes
Immediate reimbursement or at the end of the year
FSA: End of the year
HSA: Immediate
Receipts required
FSA: Save for tax purposes; may be required for reimbursement
HSA: Save for tax purposes; may be required for reimbursement
Create on my own
HSA: Yes, if you have your own HDHP
Funded with my pre-tax earnings
FSA: Yes
HSA: Yes
Withdrawn from my paycheck
FSA: Yes
HSA: Yes, but optional. You may also self-fund
Employer contribution
FSA: Yes (decided by employer; not required)
HSA: Yes (decided by employer; not required)
Spouse may contribute to the fund
HSA: Yes
Roll over funds
FSA: Yes
HSA: Yes
Roll over maximum
FSA: $500 (availability decided by employer)
HSA: None
Maximum individual annual contribution
FSA: $3,550
HSA: $3,550
Maximum family annual contribution
FSA: $7,100
HSA: $7,100
Portable if I leave my job
FSA: Possibly. Runout period may apply.
HSA: Yes
Change contribution during the year
FSA: Possibly. If you have a Qualifying Life Event
HSA: Yes
"Catch up" permitted
HSA: Yes
Maximum "catch up" contribution
FSA: n/a
HSA: $1,000 for 2020 for self and family
Funds can be invested
HSA: Yes


What is an FSA?
An FSA—Flexible Spending Account (also known as a flexible spending arrangement)—is a special account you put money into that you use to pay for certain out-of-pocket health care costs. The money that you use to fund the account is tax free! It is deducted from your paycheck. No payroll taxes are taken out and you don't pay taxes on the money at the end of the year. According to FSAFEDS, the FSA program for federal employees, an individual can save an average of 30% annually on eligible medical expenses with an FSA.
How do FSAs work?
At the start of your health insurance plan year, you estimate how much money you think you will spend on out-of-pocket medical expenses during your plan period. Your employer then funds your account using their money. And just like that, your money is available to pay for qualified medical expenses. You pay back the money that your employer initially funded using a set amount of pre-tax dollars that your employer automatically deducts from your pay.
How do I use my FSA?
You may use a special FSA debit card that is pre-loaded with the funds you put aside to pay for costs or you can use other funds and get reimbursed from the account at the end of the plan year. The advantage of the debit card is that the money is already there with no payroll taxes taken out and there is no paperwork for you to do. Although you may need to retain your receipts for IRS purposes.
Can I create my own FSA?
No. FSAs are employer-sponsored, which means which means you can only participate in the program if your employer offers it as part of your health insurance benefits.
How much money can I put aside in an FSA?
The maximum amount that you can put into an FSA is determined by the IRS. The amount may be adjusted each tax year to keep up with cost of living changes. The maximum amount permitted for self-only for 2020 is $3,550. The maximum amount that may be contributed for a family in 2020 is $7,100. Employers may elect a lower limit as part of their Healthcare FSA plan structure. Your human resources department will be able to provide you with information you need about your specific company FSA rules.
Does my employer contribute to my FSA?
Your employer is not required to make contributions but some do to offer greater benefits to their team.
What if I don't use all of the money that I put aside in the FSA for that year?
FSAs follow a "use it or lose it" rule, which means if you do not use the money designated for that year you will lose it. There are a few exceptions, however.
What are the exceptions to "use it or lose it" with FSA funds?

These are FSA "use it or lose it" exceptions:

Rollover or extension: Your employer is permitted to allow you to roll over up to $500 or permit a 2.5 month grace period to file claims for expenses incurred during that plan year but this is up to each individual workplace. Your employer cannot grant both the roll over and the 2.5 month extension.

90-day runout period: After the end of a FSA plan year, there is a 90-day runout period in which claims can still be submitted for expenses during the plan year after the end of the regular plan year end. The runout period applies to terminated employees or canceled plans. The runout period can be used for both Health Care and Child & Elderly Care FSAs.

If lose my unused funds, who gets them?
Your employer gets your unused FSA funds.
Can my employer return my unused FSA funds to me?
No. It is against IRS rules for your employer to return your unused FSA funds to you. However, your employer can split any unused FSA funds among employees participating in the FSA plan or use it to offset the costs of administering benefits. Your employer may also allow you to roll over some funds, grant an extension of time to use the funds, and there are certain situations where you have extra time to use the money.
Can I change the amount of my contribution during the year?

No, unless you meet certain Qualifying Life Events (QLE).

QLE's include:

  • Change in legal marital status (i.e., marriage, legal separation, divorce, or death of employee's spouse).
  • Change in employment status (for employee, their spouse, or dependent) that affects eligibility for health insurance benefits.
  • Change in number of tax dependents. For example, if one of your dependents turns 26, you may want to reduce your contribution to reflect the loss of that dependent.
  • Birth or date an employee adopts a child, or placement for adoption.
  • Death of spouse or dependent.
  • Change in dependent’s eligibility (for example, employee's child reaches age 13 where he/she is no longer eligible under a Child & Elderly Care FSA).
  • For Child & Elderly Care FSA only, a change in child care/elder care provider or cost or coverage, such as a significant cost increase charged by the current day care provider, or a change in the day care provider.

You have 30 days from the QLE to make changes or enroll in an FSA. The change to the FSA or the enrollment into the FSA will be effective the first of the month in which you incurred the QLE. Check with your FSA administrator for all details.